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FolieFlore 2024 - Floral Show

  • City : Mulhouse, France
  • 2024
Flower effect Folie'Flore 2024, Mulhouse
The ‘Folie'Flore’ botanical show in Mulhouse is a not-to-be-missed botanical exhibition in Alsace and France.
This year, 2024, the theme of Folie'Flore ‘Gardens of flowers and water’ was perfect for Aquatique Show.
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Dancing fountains and water effects for 3 exhibition areas

Aquatique Show took over 3 areas whose themes naturally called for the integration of water.

The Aquavision water wall in the ‘Garden of Atlantis

Our Aquavision water wall found its place in the Garden of Atlantis. The inspiration for this space comes from the legend of Atlantis, which immerses visitors in the underwater world.

In addition to the impressive sand sculptures and decorations (water bubbles, plants), our columnar Aquavision water wall springs from the ceiling in the middle of the garden. It immerses visitors in this marine world, symbolising the element of water. This water effect gives visitors the impression of being in the middle of the ocean. This feeling will be highlighted by the gobo projections, which diffuse marine patterns, reinforcing the immersion in this universe.

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The grace of the ‘flower’ water effect for ‘’The Flower Garden"

This garden is the result of the collaboration between apprentices from the UIMM Alsace training center, the city's Nature and Green Spaces Department and Aquatique Show.

Set in a landscaped area decorated with flowers, it features an extraordinary giant flower from which arches of water are springing, with a water flower effect topping it all off. To the rhythm of the music, and adorned with surreal lighting, the flower performs a water ballet that transports the spectator into a magical garden where we expect to meet a fairy.

Schaum jets and arches complete this perfect marriage of water and plants.

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Dancing fountains in the "royal garden"

This garden evokes the atmosphere of castles and French gardens: and in the same spirit, our dancing fountains embody to perfection the fountains of the great and famous French gardens. The classic elements are revisited, with geometric flowerbeds decorated with salads and large figures wearing dresses crowned with freshly cut flowers.

The fountain show is set to classical music, giving the space a courtly spirit and transporting visitors to another era. Water jets with convoluted shapes and languorous movements amplify the precious character of the scene.

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A complete water show for this 2024 edition

By taking over a large number of areas at this edition of Folie'Flore, Aquatique Show proposed a complete water show in which the visitor is always reminded of water, as a visual and sound element, but also as the source of life for plants.

Our water shows and water effects at the service of scenography

Rediscover how, for over 20 years, Aquatique Show has worked with the Folie'Flore teams to create new fountain shows and water effects, always more original, to integrate and serve a landscape scenography developed around themes that are always fabulous.

Rediscover our 20-year collaboration with Folie'Flore

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