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    Water show

    Water effect

    Immersive fountain

botanical show

  • City : Mulhouse, France.
  • 2002 - 2023
water effect folieflore mulhouse botanical exhibition 3

The “FolieFlore” botanical show in Mulhouse has become a benchmark botanical exhibition in France. With a strong identity and constant research into highlighting sumptuous decors and staging, Aquatique Show is obviously very proud to be able to collaborate on this adventure for more than 20 years.

fog effect folie flore mulhouse 2 jumping jet folieflore mulhouse

From the dancing fountain to the craziest water effects!

Since our first participations, we have been able to offer a wide range of our products and services and develop unique water effects to meet the client's particular request.

Some editions of the exhibition have presented complete water shows, such as in 2002 with our dancing fountains or in 2017 where Aquatique Show offered a show composed of a circular Aqua Graphic water curtain.

Other custom-made water show installations have been designed with special effects such as our flame jets which mix water and fire for a unique and mysterious effect.

Aqua Graphic water curtain Folie'Flore Mulhouse 1 custom made water show jets with flames folie flore mulhouse dancing fountain at folie flore mulhouse

Aqua Graphic water curtains and Aquavision water walls in all shapes.

Perfect for creating an enveloping and immersive decor, our Aqua Graphic water curtains and Aquavision water walls created passages and walks, like water breathing between botanical exhibitions.

In the form of columns, like totems punctuating the scenography, or in the shape of a tunnel covering a canal, our Aquavision water walls which accommodate lighting, gobo projections and videos, have brought magical and unreal elements to the places.

These same water walls have sometimes transformed into a boat sail or scissors.

Aqua Graphic water curtain Folie'Flore Mulhouse 2

The water garden

For the 2018 edition, the FolieFlore team wanted to create an outdoor walk dedicated to water plants. Aquatique Show has integrated different water effects such as our jumping jets and organ pipes to punctuate the garden pool. We also installed two water tunnels that visitors could walk through.

At night, these illuminated tunnels and other effects truly immersed visitors in another dimension of the botanical show.

water effect folieflore mulhouse botanical exhibition 2 water effect folieflore mulhouse botanical exhibition water tunnel aquatique show water effect folieflore
water effect folieflore mulhouse botanical exhibition 4

A long-standing collaboration which has allowed us to go further in the research and design of custom-made effects and water shows for this event.

team aquatique show Cédric bigot
Cédric Bigot
Product Design Engineer
  • Aquavision water wall tunnel shape Folie'Flore 6
  • Aquavision water wall column Folie'Flore 1
  • fog effect folie flore mulhouse 1
  • water wings folieflore mulhouse botanical exhibition
  • water cascade folieflore mulhouse botanical exhibition
  • water effect folieflore mulhouse botanical levitating stone
  • water effect folieflore mulhouse botanical exhibition by day
  • water effects folieflore mulhouse 2
