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    Water show

Opening ceremony
Grand Charles : Soprema

  • City : Strasbourg, France.
  • 2023
custom made water show at Soprema headquarter strasbourg 7

A new head office for SOPREMA

Le Grand Charles is the new headquarters of the SOPREMA Group, named in tribute to Charles Geisen, the company's founder. This project aims to create a dynamic and inspiring environment for employees, while highlighting the company's commitment to sustainable development. The building will be a laboratory of ideas for sustainable construction, implementing SOPREMA best practices.

The Grand Charles architectural project was designed by the Parisian firm, Maison Edouard François; the decoration of the buildings is carried out by the Parisian agency Jouin Manku.

Aquatique Show created the entire fountain in the middle of the landscaped spaces.

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A custom-made water show for the inauguration

Based on our decorative fountains, Aquatique Show also produced the inaugural show of the building and will be accompanied by a drone show. A show of a thousand colors, coordinated with dynamic lighting of the new Soprema headquarters.

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