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    Water show

National days
Youth Olympic Games

  • City : Singapore
  • 2008 - 2010
water show youth olympic games singapore opening ceremony

Aquatique Show International has invested the famous Marina Bay of Singapore for several years with imposing Musical Fountains, combined with other show technologies that have made the ceremonies of the National Day and the opening/closing of the Youth Olympic Games.

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singapore national day fireworks dancing fountains

Hundreds of water jets decorated one of the largest floating stage in the world to offer a fantastic water show, acting like a decorum around the stage at exceptional heights.

Aquatique Show has also created a special water effect for the Youth Olympic Games: an incredible bird with wings made of water.

youth olympic games opening ceremony dancing fountain
  • water show singapore national day marina bay
  • water wings youth olympic games singapore opening ceremony
  • dancing fountains multimedia show national day singapore
  • water wings youth olympic games singapore opening ceremony marina bay
